5 Quick Stress-Relievers While Studying

5 ways to reduce stress while studying

You know that feeling when, at the end of a very long day, you’re tired and sleepy, but force yourself instead to stay up and study? Or similarly when, after powering through readings for three hours straight, you try your best only to get through one paragraph in the fourth hour? The amount of energy and motivation you have while studying can make a massive difference in the efficiency and effectiveness of your learning. 

In order to make the most of your time spent studying, remember to take meaningful breaks at regular intervals.


Here are 5 quick and simple Ways to reduce stress while studying.


1. Prepare a snack of your choice (10 mins.)

This goes beyond waltzing back from the kitchen with a granola bar or an apple. Take a few minutes to put together something that you know you will enjoy. Chop some fruits and blend up a refreshing smoothie. Or, make a plate of cheese and crackers, a cup of hot chocolate, a piece of toast with toppings, or veggies and crackers with dip. Not only will your brain get a well-deserved break, you’ll also get to enjoy your snack when you return to studying. A bite of food will also give your brain the fuel it needs to re-energize and re-focus.


2. Call a friend, maybe someone you haven’t talked to in a while (15-30 mins.)

And no, texting doesn’t count. Nor do you need to do a video call. Try a good ol’ fashioned phone call, hear their voice, listen to what they have to say, and have a meaningful catch-up sesh. Talking to an old friend will provide you with a mental and emotional boost, and make your friend feel appreciated and cared for. And who knows, they might just have some piping hot tea to spill…


3. Let your creative juices flow (10-20 mins.)


This can take a myriad of forms. Colour in a page from a colouring book, expand a doodle to a full-size drawing, write a paragraph of a short story, compose a poem, write a song, take some photographs (sure, selfies work too), edit a video project, and the list goes on. Whatever floats your boat, this particular type of activity will work to balance out the constant process of studying (absorbing new materials in) with the process of creating (putting new materials out). Whether you choose to scrap or keep your masterpieces afterward is up to you!


4. Partake in some mindless organization (15 mins.)

Again, what you choose to organize is up to you. This can be sorting out your laundry, closet, or sock drawer, tidying up your current study space, re-ordering the books on your bookshelf, finally adding those prints to the photo album or the wall, or planning out the order of your next three Instagram posts (we all do that, right?). A mindless activity will give your brain a chance to rest, while an organized space will create a calmer and less stressful environment for you to work in. Plus, less entropy means more energy, right?


5. Get up and move around (10 mins.)

If long walks on the beach are your thing, go for it, but sometimes we just don’t have that kind of time to spare. To quickly get your blood flowing, throw a solo dance party, or (attempt to) learn the newest Tiktok dance. Or, follow along to a yoga video on Youtube. If you’re in a public space, climb all the stairs in your building, or take a walk around its perimeter. A quick physical activity will give you a mental break, and help you feel refreshed and rejuvenated when you return to your desk.


Most importantly, allow some flexibility in your studying. Disperse your breaks, but don’t pressure yourself to take them at exact intervals. In the end, they’re supposed to help you relieve stress, not to be another task on your to-do list. If you feel like you’re in the zone, don’t force yourself to break out of it. On the other hand, don’t get caught up in the breaks either (there’s a reason why we didn’t suggest watching an episode of your favourite TV show...we all know how that’s going to turn out). Stay healthy, and happy studying!



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